D.A.D. Blog This
Parenting. Fathering. Part-timing. Stressing. Soldiering on.
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About Colin Wee       

D.A.D. Blog This with your Do-As-Directed guide Colin Wee is dedicated to the parents out there that are taking a firm grip on their lives and a firmer grip on their children.

D.A.D. was started by Chief D.A.D. Colin Wee, who after an amazing roller coaster career ride through the dotcom era, was left redundant - elbow deep in dirty diapers. In true role reversal, Colin became Mr. Mom or the House Husband.

You learn many lessons when all your own needs are placed second to that of your child! Many of them just trying to figure out your new place in society.

Life goes on and Chief D.A.D. learned that first child (and dream son at that) was a piece of cake compared to the more temperamental little princess that came along. Chief D.A.D. found out that two was more than twice the work of one! Life as we know it folks was over!

Chief D.A.D. visibly ages in the many photos since children arrive. But yet they will not have it either way, and Chief D.A.D. has been known to miss the little ones during those one or two occassions where they've been blessed to have arranged excellent babysitting.

Ah, life is a journey my friend, and the little monsters will enjoy taking you as their ride! We will have it no other way. :-)

DAD Blog is now defunct. Please visit Colin Wee at Ministry of Discipline and SuperParents.

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